Tuesday, February 8, 2011

She Hulln'

Alex Rowse, She Hulling the season away in the UK...Alex puts together a little paper publication called the Kook that caught a lot of people's attention, I can't wait to see what the second edition's got goin' on!

1 comment:

Mike C said...

hey ryan, mike c from http://slopgroveller.blogspot.com/ roger hall from http://fishnlog.blogspot.com/ will be at the AU fish fry 2011, looking forward to seeing your boards, i am keen to meet you and do some images and an interview, have a look at these two blogs i run and see if you like the style of stuff we are into in NZ, there are links to my flickr galleries and www.surfline.co.nz which is rogers website, hope to hear from you before you come over, cheers mike c, ps big fan of what you are doing