Thursday, December 3, 2015


Brad Martin enjoying Ireland on a 6'8" Mr.Fantasy

Friday, November 20, 2015

Shred Show Interview

HIZZAW for social anxiety!
Buuuut seriously, thanks to Shaper Studios for having me down a number of months back.  I've spent my life avoiding as much public speaking as possible, stoked you guys forced it out of me - I had a great time!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Thick Lizzy

Prototype at 7'10 from mid winter 2015

Thick Lizzy from Ryan Lovelace on Vimeo.

My favorite round pin template used as the nose and tail template to make an identical 50/50 outline.  glider style 70/30 down rails, triplane bottom with deep double concave through the tail.  Was going for a mini-glider kinda thing, with lots of hold and bite on the rail to handle steeper sections - have always liked more foiled out glider type boards, and this proved a good time to explore one.  Vs. the v.bowls - Thick Lizzy rides high on the water's surface and planes out faster in lower-quality surf; can also be cheater-fived for miles.  We've found it to be a good compliment to the v.bowls as a longer alternative with a different approach to rail line and foil distribution.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Trevor || Soopersnake

photo: Nick Liotta

photo: Donnie Hedden

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Shakes from Ryan Lovelace on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Custom Keel

Photos by Nick Ventura